QUALITY CHECK SCORECARD - RETOUCHERTHE QUALITY CHECK WILL BE A PREDEFINED CHECKLIST THAT THE PERSON WHO RECEIVES THE RETOUCHED PHOTOS (PRODUCTION) WILL COMPLETE. GO DOWN THE LIST AND ASSESS THE LIST AGAINST THE PHOTOS TO PERFORM THE QUALITY CHECK.Quality Check Performed on Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Quality Check Performed ByMindyJeannieQuality Check was Performed On(Retouchers receive a whole session to retouch, so quality check the whole session.)SessionPhotoOutsourcer Name First Last Outsourcer Email Job/Photoshoot NameNumber of Photos Retouched in SessionTimeThis quality check should take less than 5 minutes to perform.CHECK ALL AREAS OF RETOUCHING THAT SHOW A NEED FOR IMPROVEMENT Blemish(s) were not removed Skin looks plastic Skin Wrinkling was softened too much Skin Wrinkling was not softened adequately - too little Facial Glare was not removed Eye Iris (colored part of eye) was not enlarged Eye Iris (colored part of eye) is unnaturally large Eye Bags were not softened Minor Eyeglass Glare was not removed Stray Hair was not removed Body was not slimmed Body was extremely overslimmed Head Swaps were of poor quality Strap/Tan Line Removal was of poor quality Apparel Wrinkle Removal was of poor quality Highlighting the hair was of poor quality Whitening of Teeth, teeth were overwhitened Whitening of Teeth was inadequate, not whitened enough Whitening of Eyes, white part of the eye was overwhitened Whitening of Eyes was inadequate, not whitened enough Eyes were made an unnatural color Braces removal was of poor quality Opening of eyes was of poor quality Clean Up Background was of poor quality Too much shadow was removed Softening of Shadows was of poor quality Trim Eyebrows was of poor quality Tattoo Removal was of poor quality Remove Armpit Hair was of poor quality Lens Refraction removal was of poor quality Major Eyeglass Glare removal was of poor quality Extend Background was of poor quality Remove spots was of poor quality Erase unwanted objects was of poor quality Files were returned without named layers Files were not returned as PSDs Job Assignment was not returned by Deadline Overall Job RatingJOB RATING KEY: 0 = GREAT JOB! ALL PHOTOS RETOUCHED, EXCELLENT 1 = 1 RETOUCHING ITEM SHOWS NEED OF RETOUCHING IMPROVEMENT 2 = 2 RETOUCHING ITEMS SHOW NEED OF IMPROVEMENT 3 = 3 RETOUCHING ITEMS SHOW NEED OF IMPROVEMENT 4 = 4 RETOUCHING ITEMS SHOW NEED OF IMPROVEMENT 5 = 5 OR MORE RETOUCHING ITEMS SHOW NEED OF IMPROVEMENT NOTES ABOUT JOBCopy the corresponding JOB RATING from the KEY into the space below. Add any NOTES you wish the Outsourcer to have about the job, INCLUDING THE FILE NAMES of files that need to be CORRECTED. MAKE SURE TO TELL THEM WHAT THEY DID WELL IN THIS SPACE Loom Screencast LinkIf needed, make a LOOM VIDEO showing the improvements/corrections that need to be made to the files(s). ADD the LINK to that video to this field, so the Outsourcer receives it and can view it. Is it necessary for Outsourcer to correct anything? NoYes Like this:Like Loading...